Forum Rat

What is Forum Rat?


A completely forgettable message boarduser. Somewhere there is most likely a factory churning them out by the thousands. You'll know you're in the presence of a forum rat when you read a post and get the sudden strong feeling that you've read the exact same post before. Main characteristics of a forum rat:

-Infrequent or nonexistent use of capital letters and/or punctuation.

-Bizarre behavior and use of the English language, which is often described as either ghetto, otaku, forum female, fanboy, or even l33t d00d, or a combination of the above.

-Avatar consisting of an anime or video gamecharacter, animated sprites from Metal Slugor Final Fantasy, or the forum default Homer Simpson picture.

-Username consisting of at least five numbers or underscores.

-Huge, ugly Photoshopabortion of a signature which may stretch the page frames.

-Terrible or nonexistent lack of personality

-Completely worthless, typical, or irrelevant opinion on anything.

Most forum rats are preteenkids, and often either a fanboy, wigger, jock. Though they come and go, no board is safe from them unless the admin only lets his/her friends register.

"Where have all the interesting members run off to? This place is just clogged with forum rats now..."

See RealGTX


Similar to a troll, a forum rat is someone who has spent so much time on an internet forum site, such as Gametrailers or Gamespot, that they start to use the usual forum-like mannerisms in real life. Whether intentional or not, this is not a good thing. It could have originated from term mallrat.

Person A: "Dude, I totally caught this 20 pound marlin out near Cabo San Lucas last weekend"

Forum Rat: " Pics or fake."

See forum, forums, troll


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