
What is Forums?


An internet-based Bulletin Board in which members can post thoughts and views. Based on the Roman word 'forum'.

Forums have a general hierachy:


Global Moderators

Local Moderators

Premium or Paying Members


Validating Members


Banned Members

They are alsp a popular target of hackers and crackers and a paradise for spammers etc.


Bob: 'My Cheese Forums rock! I have... 3 members!'

Bill: 'Wow, my Gaming Cheat Forums have 1003... no... 1005!'


Admin: 'The new General Chat Forum is out!'

Spammers: 'Yay!!!'

Lead Spammer: *&79847394737xjfdlshf345740rscxjds!!! OMG!!!

Global Moderator 1: 'You take the Sub-Forum, I'll take the main!'

Moderator 2: 'Yes Sir!'

*The sounds of warns and bans can be heard above the spam*

See forums, admin, mod, spam, warn


A collection of threads situated on a bbs.

"Some bitch is spamming my forums, lets hax him!!1"

See ZT


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