Fourth Base

What is Fourth Base?


The final stage in a relationship that involves sexual intercourse.

First Base -- Making Out (tongue included)

Second Base -- Rubbing, Dry Humping, grinding.

Third Base -- Oral Sex

Fourth Base -- Sex

"I can't believe it, he got to fourth base on his first date with her!"

See sex, relationship, base, fourth, fourth base, intercourse


Means your home or your primary place of residence. The term is derived from Baseball where the Fourth Base in a diamond is called the 'Home Plate'...

"Ayo, holla at me, I'm at my fourth base dog"

See house, home, crib, yard, spot


see home base

"he tried to get to 4th base with me.."

See etchasketch


After 3ed base is when you add animals in your sexual activity.

"Jan and John throw butter and smokey in there titty fucking asshole pleasures when they got to fourth bases."

See base, sex, nipples, dick


Anal play

When Jon and I were fooling around, I tried to go to fourth base with him but he won't let my touch his ass.

See anal sex, anal penetration, anal play, ass play


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