What is Fourth Reich -- Amendment -- Part Ii?


Fourth Reich

(A German and Anglo Saxon Philosophy of "Renewed and Proper World Re-Order" -- the Re-Establishment of the Third Reich)

Fourth Reich Belief/Motto:


The "Fourth Reich" is the philosophy of the re-alliance of the Germanic tribes and racial annihilation of those ethnic and racial groups that are non Cuacasian/White Anglo Saxon and Protestant WASP.

A doctrine prescribed that there are only two races upon the planet Earth -- those that are direct descendants of the Angles are the only people to be human.

Angles were a German tribe that in the fifth century crossed over to Britain along with bands of Saxons, Jutes, and others to colonize a great part of what today has received the name of England.

The doctrine that all People of Color were created by the fallen angel Luciferexpelled from Heaven by the Creator --GOD.

The Fallen Angel -- Satantried to restart Creation over again to emulate GOD's expelled creations of Adam and Eve from The Garden, but failed.

The Fourth Reich calls these people that Satan "created" Mud People, non WASP and all people of color.

Those that are to inherit the World are only direct descendants of the Angles.

The belief of the Fourth Reich is to continue the work that the Third Reich could not complete -- World Dominance and being the only people of existance on the Earth.

Those that are Caucasian and Catholic are included in their "theory" of a not "pure" people to be rid of from the Earth.

Asians, French, Irish, Italians, Jews, Polish, Spaniards, and those of African descent are primarily the first target of the new "extermination plan" that was not fully carried out upon the Jewish people during the Third Reich.

After the extermination of the above groups of people, the rest of the world's populace will be annihilated.

Those of the Fourth Reich beleive that there are only two races of people on the planet; the rest are considered ethnic, "not pure," and "non-human" as stated somewhat previously.

Thus, the English and German people are the only two races by the doctrines of the Fourth Reich to be left on the planet after its "restruction and annihilation plan" is completed.

The "belief" of the continent of Africa becoming The United Countries of Africa or The United Continent of Africa is a very "dreaded" idea held by those of the Fourth Reich belief.

As a great percentage of the world's wealth has been/is or stolen/taken from the continent of Africa -- those of the "Fourth Reich" believe that People of Colorwould dominate the World and reverse the practices of annihilation upon those of WASP descent; a believed work of the "Fourth Reich" of Satan that must not happen.

It is believed that some German/Third Reich members were of the Seventh-day Adventist Churchthat "turned over" many Jews to Hitler in return for vast amounts of gold taken from South Africa in conduct with those of the past Third Reich, making the Seventh-day Adventist Church one of the wealthiest organizations in the world today.

Today, some German descent Adventist members of the Fourth Reich are believed to be aiding in the reconstruction of the Third Reich's beliefs.

Not all to 99.99% of the German descent people or Adventists people do not believe in the Fourth Reich's philosophy or even know of the Forth Reich.

Many to 99.99% of the German Adventists are true believers of peace upon the Earth and all mankind living in harmony and have nothing to do with the idealism of the Fourth Reich.

As well, many Seventh-day Adventists of other races truly know nothing of the Fourth Reich nor its beliefs.

Other groups and people such as the Klu Klux Klan, to other religious denominations and non-religious demonimations subscribe to the Fourth Reich's beliefs.

Fourth Reich -- Amendment -- Part II

Kenneth E. Bame, age 27, on October 14th to the early morning of the 15th of October 1994 was murdered on the track of Andrews University campus by an underground group of Fourth Reich members in action.

Andrews University is the "flagship" school/university of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

Andrews University is near the estate of famed boxer Casius Clay/ Muhammed Alithat was once owned by the gangster Al Capone, and is approxiametly 30 miles north of Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana.

Kennenth E. Bame was "racked," a practice of being held down and beaten upon the testicles with a board until death.

Kenneth's or Ken's crime was non payment of a small drug bill and for associating with people of other ethnic and racial backgrounds.

From this a nine year battle that has been fought in court, Greggs vs. Andrews University, Urban Dictionary might be the first to be privy of this information.

The court battle of Greggs vs. Andrews University will continue until justice has been served.

Character Assassination has been placed upon Greggs in the attempts to bring Justice to the wrongful murder of Ken Bame, a human whom believed that all men and women were created equal and should love one another.

Andrews University's president Niels-Erik Andreasen and his committee have been notified of this murder, but have done nothing to trully and fully investigate Ken Bame's death.

Thus, the dismissal of Greggs from Andrews University was enacted March of 1997 with the accusation of C. Greggs making Paul E. Flyger rape Dexter R. Saddler sometime in

August of 1996 "while off the campus grounds of Andrews University" -- "Character Assassination" has occured upon C. Greggs.

Two students both over the age of twenty-one, Paul and Dexter -- the former white and latter black where dating each other in a "homosexual relationship" considered taboo by the Adventist Church and many other.

Thus, the lawsuit of Greggs vs. Andrews University was initiated by Greggs to clear his name of these false allegations and to uncover the truth of Ken Bame's murder on its campus.

Ken was Caucasian. Greggs is African American/Black.

Does it really matter if one is Black or White?

You be the judge of this matter in the aiding of World Peace amongst all of the World's inhabitants regardless of color, ethnic background or race.


See murder, death, racism, kill


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