
What is Fragget?


A New England frat brother. The most vile, repulsive, dick-headed person humanity has to offer. Known for buying his friends and hitting on passed out guys.

Fragget: "Come join our brotherhood!"

Brett: "Not on your life, fragget."

See frat, brother, gay, new, england


One who obsessively uses frag grenades in Halo 2 or Halo 3.

"I would have won in team slayer if he wouldn't have been such a Fragget!"

See frag, halo, halo 2, halo 3, grenade


A loser child who is popular amoung his other loser faggot friends. He or she is also good at making a normal person a fag, like a metaphorical magnet to fags hence the revelence to the two words in the word fragget.

Your a fragget and have no friends.


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