
What is Fraggot?


A homosexual man, raised on Fraggle Rock.

Manwuel had a gay brother named Pupu, and every day when Pupu was little he would watch Fraggle Rock, produced by the Jim Henson company. Now Pupu is gay, and you know Manwuel blames that disease on Fraggle Rock. Fraggot.

See fraggle, rock, fraggle rock, pupu, lady, gay, homosexual


This is the guy who wears bermuda shorts, hemp bracelets/necklaces, open toed sandals, and popped-collar polos....all the time

also likes excessive binge drinking, saying lots of stupid words and phrases like like "dank, bro, yak, where da party at? and sup bra?"

this word is a compound, from the word "faggot" and the term "frat boy"

faggot + frat boy = fraggot

" Holy shit, look at that guys outfit...what a fucking fraggot"

"Wow, how many popped-collared polos does that douche bag have? What, 6? 7? Wow, the fraggot lord has been spotted"

"Criss angel is a flaming fraggot...just take a look at him for more than 3 seconds"

See frat boy, jock


n. usually a person who is repeatedly killed in a first person shooter or "fragged", but usually turns out to be homosexual.

killerz88: Dude, I keep killing that gay dude, but he keeps respawning!

Beachboi101: What a fraggot.

See frag, faggot, first person shooter, cs, cod


A homosexual male grenadier.


See fraggot, gay, grenadier, frag, grenades


A fratboy. There is a very specific doucheness to them. Trust fund wasps who quote unquote rock rainbows, partially popped polos, pleated khakis, don't let me tell you about them, let them speak for themselves. The following is a manifesto:

I live in a frat house. I go to frat parties. I can recite the Greek alphabet before the fire of a match burns out. I can rattle off all of my founding fathers as well as my fraternity obligations, but I don't know the words to my school song or my accounting professor's last name. I don't go to class. I never study. I devise elaborate schemes to cheat on my exams. I don't buy books. I pay people to write my papers. I have an endless supply of doctor notes from student health. I give more than $2,000 of my parents' money in social dues each year to promote my frat's alcoholism problem. I drink because I am cool. I drink a lot because I am cooler than you. I urinate in public. I do keg stands and have keg parties. I am the master at drinking games. I own you in quarters. I have never not drinken in the game "I never". If I can't find my beer bong I know I can find one next door. I don't binge drink-I continually drink. I have a pre-party for the "pre-party". I own one baseball hat. I live in my khakis. I don't own a shirt that is not polo, lacoste, brooks brothers, or vineyard vines. All my ties are vineyard vines. Sometimes I wear sandals in the winter because I can. I drive a bmw my dad paid for, and when charged with speeding, careless and wreckless, and DUI, I bought it off my record. My hair is a mess yet totally in style. Ladies love me, but more importantly, I know ladies love me.

Fraggot # 1: Ready for the formal tonight?

Fraggot # 2: Shit, I'm gonna give some slutty dumbass with no self-worth one of my STD's!

Fraggot# 1: Oh snap, that shiza will be like russian roulette!

Fraggot # 2: Wurd, son.


A homosexual man, raised on Fraggle Rock.

Manwuel had a gay brother named Pupu. And everyday when Pupu was little he would watch Fraggle Rock, produced by the Jim Henson company. Now Pupu is gay, and you know Manwuel blames that disease on Fraggle Rock.


See lady, manuel, fraggle, rock, fraggle rock


A homosexual man, raised on Fraggle Rock.

Manwuel had a gay brother named Pupu. And everyday when Pupu was little he would watch Fraggle Rock, produced by the Jim Henson company. Now Pupu is gay, and you know Manwuel blames that disease on Fraggle Rock.


See lady, manuel, fraggle, rock, fraggle rock


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