
What is Frankenstien?


Rolling a cigaette out of the butts you find at a local ashtray.

Astray = Public cemetary

Cig butts = Dead Bodys

Roller = Dr. Frankenstien

Usually done by the homelss and hard-up broke ass smokers

I'm gonna hit the starbucks so I can roll a frankenstien.

See cigarette, rollie, zig-zag, slut butt


the act of putting a strand of barbed wire into a pipe and inserting into your anus, removing the pipe while keeping the barbed wire inserted... then enjoying the pure pleasure.

i walked in on my uncle getting a frankenstien from his "friend."


the lowering of the scrotum into the waiting vagina. best accomplished in the sumo ready-position

you know what rules to do to bitches? frankenstien. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopen you pizza special area to me peen


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