
What is Fraternity?


Commonly mistaken as a "frat" a fraternity is a group of men who share a bond of brotherhood. Most people can not understand. It could be compared to that of family. So yeah while those stupid ass "frat" boys give the rest of us a bad name there are some of us out there who do care about our personal worth and character.

Don't call a fraternity a frat, would you call your country a cunt?

See 479


A social group made up of men that actually do a lot of community service and gain a lot of connections for life. While some are expensive, you can talk to them to see if they can create a payment plan for you. These are often confused with unrecognized gangs that call themselves fraternities. Real fraternities don't rape women.

The Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity colony at SUNY Oneonta has raised money for Opportunities for Otsego (OFO).


An organization designed upon societal and/or religious virtues and designated by greek letters which is intended to provide additional assistance to young college men beyond the curriculum of their respective university, including but not limited to leadership, organizational, rhetorical, political and social skills. Focused on the instillment of manly principles such as maturity, discipline, honor, self restraint, friendship, kindness, labor and selflessness. These are values which the typical university does not attempt to foster and which are sadly lacking in many (but not all) of our generation. Fraternities are like people; there are good ones and bad ones, and each individual is responsible for which one they associate with as they will be rightly judged in kind; however, as with people, it is also highly irresponsible and ignorant to label or judge them wholesale.

True Fraternity men are those whose goal is academic excellence and the enrichment of society.

See frat, greeks, gentlemen, ifc, brotherhood


A fraternity is an association of men, selected in their college days by a democratic process, because of their adherence to common ideals and aspirations. Out of their association arises a personal relationship which makes them unselfishly seek to advance one another in the arts of life and to add to the formal instruction of the college curriculum, the culture, and the character which men acquire by contact with great personalities, or when admitted to partnership in great traditions.A fraternity too is of such character that after men have left college they delight to renew their own youth by continued association with it and to bring their richest experiences back to the younger generation in part payment of the debt which they feel themselves to owe to the fraternity for what is gave them in their formative years.

You will one day work for a fraternity man.

See fraternity, bad asses, fratty, fortune 500, sperrys, vineyard vines, rich, trophy wives


a large quantity of males in the same house attempting to gather females (usually sorority girls) to parties that involve an obscene amount of alcohol.

Bro1: lets get a bunch of Phi Mu bitches to our party at the fraternity house.

Bro2: totally. ill get the beer and gamecube.

Bro3: i think i have a black dildo in my room too!

See fraternity, sorority, beer, alcohol, party


A group of male college students who claim to uphold the ideals of Ancient Greece in their daily lives. Oftentimes, they actually do just this, and their members are much more cultured, kind, and devoted than the general public. However, there are some severely fucktarded ones that cater to the stereotype of groups of boorish womanizing idiots walking around calling everyone who isn't in a fraternity a GDI. There are some notable differences between these two types of fraternities:

1. Everyone joining a fraternity gets hazed. However, the second type usually subjects recruits to perverted and disturbing methods, and usually treats them like throwaway peons instead of potential brothers.

2. Members of the first type generally care about getting good grades. Members of the second are too busy thinking about how awesome they are for having so many friends.

3. Members of the first type care about appearing to be productive members of society. Others are in it to bang dumb sorostitiutes and get drunk/high, and care nothing about "Greek ideals"

4. Members of the first type are likable. Members of the second type aren't, and should be cornered and beaten when none of their friends are around to flaunt how worthless they really are.

Some members of a fraternity can be downright nasty. Don't lump them in with the members of a real fraternity

See frat, frat boy, frat boys, fraternity, popular


A male organization known for their childish exclusion of others, excessive alcohol consumption, false sense of accomplishment and, of course, small genitals. Members of such an organization tend to travel in packs and develop a feeling of inadequacy and malaise if a brother is not aronud to have his back (or give him oral sex). Futhermore, brothers are often stricken with low grades, wide assholes and several sexual diseases.

Is that guy in a fraternity?

-Yeah, the popped collar, croakies and hangover are a dead giveaway.

See frats, pussies


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