
What is Fraud?


(n) 1. Imposter.

2. Fake.

3. Homer Simpson.

Homer: What if people think a guy's a hero, but he was really just lucky?

Magic Johnson: Don't worry. Sooner or later, people like that are exposed as the frauds they are.

See Mr. Roboto


Something that is "fraud" is deceitful but it also means messed up, lame, stupid, ridiculous, or something that just plain sucks.

Tina: Member when Dante said that he gon beat Jeremy's ass on Friday. Please ... he just runnin his mouth.

Jay: HA yeah. He's just a fraud bitch.

See wack, lame, stupid, ridiculous, sucks


intentional misrepresentation of identity or intent.

"Hey, Alec, didn't someone create a definition on Urban Dictionary for an offensive word and then commit fraud by claiming they were you when they posted it?"

"Yeah! Now when you search for my name on Google, "dirty lincoln" is the third result you get back! Boy, I hope a potential employer doesn't google me and find THAT."

"Yeah, that'd be pretty bad. Hey! I know! You should get a hold of Urban Dictionary and ask them to take it down!"

"Oh, I've tried three or four times. Through a couple different methods! Maybe if I post a NEW definition, they'll proofread it on its way through, read this, and remove my name from the fraudulent definition, like I've asked them to!"

"Maybe, I hope the get the gosh darn hint, friend"

See urban dictionary, tech support, tech, support, liar


Any athlete or sports team that does not live up to the hype that is bestowed upon them.

The Duke Men's Basketball team are such frauds for the performance they put up in their Sweet 16 game after being given a 2 seed in the tournament.

See choke, overrated, loser, a-rod, brett favre


Fraud is a term used to define the doing of an illegal act! Usually Armenians fall under this category since they are usually the ones that do this sort of thing!

Armenians like to committ insurance and welfare fraud!

So what's new?

See armo, armenia, mercedes


A clever and cunning act to circumvent rules that only apply to less clever people who cannot get around them

"His fraud just made him solvent once again while others suffer in insolvency"

See genius, plan, cunning, smart, bypass


Tyrone Willingham.

Does Tyrone Willingham even know what he's doing? He hasn't had a winning season since...when??? How can he make $1.5M per year?? What a FRAUD.

See liar, cheat, loser, greedy, fake, phony


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