
What is Freddielicious?


...used to describe all aspects of emotion... something freddielicious can be sexy, groovy, impowering, eye-opening, or just plain fab... created as a way to describe life soely in comparisons to LORD AND GOD Freddie Mercury... most freddielicious things provoke a strong gay/lesbian emotion... for instance... MY FAIRY KING is a VERY Freddielicious song... for me, SAIL AWAY SWEET SISTER(though written by Freddie's band partner, Brian May) is a Freddielicious song... other Freddielicous things include: tight white pants and tank tops, attending late night showings of RHPS, my drag-king David Bowie costume, leather(I may be a vegitarian but I too 'rather fancy myself as a black panther'), wanting attention, wanting love, wanting to change the world FOR THE BETTER, doing something that brings gay acceptance to a new level, strutting your fab-u-lous stuff during the day then crying yourself to sleep at night because of these forbidden passions, working to find a cure for AIDS, singing your ass off, making your fingers fly accross a piano, humming DON'T TRY SUICIDE to yourself while watching Ellen/ Queer Eye, doing what Jimmy Hendrix did to the U.S. national anthem to God Save the Queen, dressing oneself from head to toe in glitz and glam, drawing on a fake mustache with your straight friend's eyeliner, drinking Earl Grey obscessively to keep oneself going, and making too cute and too true comments and/or observations about this twisted life(which, dude who wrote the life definition, I totally agree is backwards)...

Dressing like a dude is even better when my outfit is FREDDIELICIOUS.

This gay bar is FREDDIELICIOUS.

The guy playing Frank n Furter tonight is FREDDIELICIOUS.


You, girl, are a FREDDIELICIOUS pianist.

Jess, your vocals are FREDDIELICIOUS.

My friends are trying to teach me to be less FREDDIELICIOUS and be proud of who I am, but I'm not sure I can.

I just discovered the most FREDDIELICOUS live Queen track ever!

Ellen and Portia's marrige is FREDDIELICIOUS.



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