What is Frederick Fifield Iv?
1. 1400s: A British peasant who lived in medieval times, famous for overthrowing the Duke of Langley in 1481 AD. Fifield led a small rebellion to stop the taxation of import duties from spain.
2. Modern Day: a term used to describe the act a woman taking a heaving shit on another woman's chest and vise versa, while both women have a cell phone turned on vibrate inserted into their anal cavity. the women proceed to call eachother, and compete to see who can get the phone out first. after the competition is finished, a
3. A Volkswagen beetle
4. A
5. the after product of a grandmotherly bowel movement, normally found in an unflushed toilet
6. a small white hair growing on human or feline
7: an educated slave. see also:
also known as: freddy fifieldFred Fifield
1. Guy #1: man i hate paying my taxes and becoming a slave to the capitalist society we live in
Guy #2: if you don't like it, just go ahead and pull a fred fifield, your taxes will be waived in no time!
2. Guy #1: Fuck man did you see Carol this morning? she was totally browned out!
Guy #2: yeah i did, i heard Sharon gave her the nastiest Frederick Fifield IV
Guy #3: did somebody say fred fifield?
3. Guy #1: yo dude, i totally saw your woman driving a freddy fifield the other day
Guy #2: shit man, i'm breaking up with that.
4. Fucking Sheryl wouldn't screw me last night, god shes such a freddy IV
5. Guy #1: damnit Kyle, your bathroom smells TERRIBLE
Guy #2: Sorry, my grandma fredericked again
6: Guy #1: fuck my gooch is FLAMING
Guy #2: maybe you pulled a fred fifield out again
7. Guy #1: hey, the dishes are still dirty, the carpet isn't vacuumed, and my
sheets aren't changed, what the hell is this??
Guy #2: sorry dude, that freddy fifield is doing my lawn while baking me
Guy #1: well at least he's doing his job