
What is Freebsd?


noun - primary one

FreeBSD is one of several Unix-like operating systems stemming from the BSD4.4-lite release of the Berkeley Software Distributions.

FreeBSD is the most popular of the BSDs and is focused largely on the ix86 platform.

FreeBSD currently has two main development branches; 4.9 and 5.2. The first is stable and ready for use in servers. The second is a development branch that will see better SMPsupport.

The FreeBSD mascot is one that is shared by all BSDs, the beastie. Falsely called Chuck or Charlie by some this daemon is a smiling fellow in large sneakers that has undergone relatively few alterations over the past two decades and has been used on hats, boxer shorts, shirts, jackets, stickers and has been used on a series of pewter and copper statues.

FreeBSD has spawned two prominent derived operating systems; Darwin, the Unix-like underpinings of Mac OS Xand DragonflyBSD, a contiuation of the 4.x codebase seeking to completely rewrite the way the operating system uses multiple processors.

noun - primary two

The FreeBSD Project, the organisation that manages the development of the FreeBSD operating system.

The FreeBSD Project has a close working relationship with Apple Computers Inc, they share bug fixes when dealing with the same codebase.

See Nate


FreeBSD is an Unix operating system like Linux, but much older, more disciplined and more mature. It is faster and more stable for servers, but doesn't have such a wide range of software or such fast-growing support that Linux has. Linux is better if you want to play the games and other closed-source software released for Linux too- like Enemy Territory, UT2004and so on. FreeBSD deserves to be more popular though, but from these other posts you can see why it isn't. Let's hope they're the minority of FreeBSD fans.

Mr. Newbie couldn't take the abuse and RTFMming of the FreeBSD community, so installed Gentoo instead.

See do I have to put something here?


Far superior to Linux.

See observer


FreeBSD = Free + Berkeley Software Development.

Most popular UNIX release the world has ever seen. freebsd.

(common) FreeBSD pwns ur A$$

I love FreeBSD.


FreeBSD is a stable, well designed, fast POSIX operating system. It has a well organised group of experienced core developers. As a result it is far more reliable than Linux, whose architecture is vastly inferior.

Linux sucks; use FreeBSD instead :-)


Something that has Microsoft very scared. A high-quality free unix variant based on the original Berkeley (BSD 4.4-lite) sources.

FreeBSD is going to destroy Microsoft, because nobody wants to pay out the a$$ to run Window$.


adj. - The god of Freedom.

syn/a-rc. - Live Free or Die.


I FreeBSDized nine of our Linux servers and our IT business is suddenly stabilized.

See hc


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