What is French Erotic Film?
An extremely funny flash animation made by Too Much Spare Time ( AKA Andrew Kepple ) cotains and old blue scot called dill. Found on albinoblacksheep
James "OMG u need 2 lyk watch dis flash L0LZ"(French Erotic Film)
Josh "erm yer ok..."
James " LOLZ theres 2 hidden bonus tracks, only the l33t may find em, LOLZ THATZ ME !"
Josh "ok, macmanji ha"
Random Words:
A stupid word made up by some idiots at an ad firm for the evil cable tv entity know as Comcast.
We use ads with stupid words like jabb..
a slang word for a male getting rid of his 'cum' after mastubation.
general methods:
1: a tissue ( usually put in toilet )