
What is Frenchtown?


A small, hicktown in western Montana, west of the larger city of Missoula. The main street contains about two bars, a gas station (Frenchy's), and a store. The schools are kind of lame, because some of Montana's most closed-minded people inhabit them. Pretty much everyone there drinks, except the Mormons. There are also quite a few drug users.

I'm going to Frenchtown to get wasted and high!

See frenchtown, montana, missoula, boring


A small town outside of Missoula, MT. Small town in the sense there are more bars than there are churches. People include mostly hicks, but there is a part with tons of douchbags. The douchebags mostly include the emos, druggies, and overall dumbasses. Crazy parties happen here, which makes it's nickname Zootown. In the long run, a very nice place.

Frenchtown is so fucking awesome.

See missoula, montana, parties, hicks


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