What is Frenz?
AOL Speak for "friends." rack this word up with all the other positively awful words commonly spotted on AOL homepages such as
"Yo I jus wanna give a shoutout to mah frenz elonzo, kentucky waterfall, and texas mudflap! lolz!"
A coffeehouse in Rockford, MI.
Often there are bands playing religious music, but when there aren't, the owner feels compelled to play the local Christian Radio station.
If you and your friends discuss:
-Being a democrat
-Being homosexual
-Disliking the Bible
Be prepared to be eternally glared at.
I don't want to go to Frenz, the people there make me uncomfortable.
Did you hear that "I Love Jesus" music they were playing at Frenz?
the worst name ever given to a man.
named after the most popular brand of condoms in the Philippines, the FRENZY condoms.
Frenz: dude i used a box of frenzy condoms last night.
me: oh shit.. that was big time.