
What is Fresh?


to mean it is acceptable and highly approved by someone.

Orgin: Hiphop Mid 80's Ny

Fresh is derived as in the sense of seeing something brand new and is attracting people like cars in commercials. but is used to refer to anything highly approved by someone.

"Those are some fresh shoes!"

"Lets go to Darrels Shop they got fresher records down there".


very good/fly (in relation to clothes, cars, bling, and style)

man, yo lookin fresh tonight!!


bitch don't touch my fresh-self!


cool, in style.

I dress so fresh and clean.

See zach


Someone who is cocky, arrogant and a flirt. One can be accused of being Fresh or trying to get get Fresh with someone. This is usually when someone tries to get some physical action without permission first.

1 - Hey, hows it going? *Slides hand to 2's waist*

2 - Are you trying to get Fresh with me?

1 - Me? No....

See flirt, sex, physical, action, grab


1.Of great quality

1.Yo, i dont care what none of yall say, im fresh ta death

2.Yo, i got a haircut, that shit is fresh

See great, new, good, awesome, excellent


1. New, shiny, stylish shit.

2. To be a rookie or just beginning at something.

3. Anything cool or good.

1. "That's a fresh jacket you're wearing, man."

2. "Man, he is the freshest weed smoker."

3. "That was a fresh party last night, man."

See Diego


A word commonly used when something or someone is good.

"That guy last night was freshhhh!"

See fit, sexy, mint, cool, fly


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