Fresh Off

What is Fresh Off?


Fresh off refers to the feeling of euphoria that one feels immediately after smoking marijuana.

Shit, we walked into the dinner fresh off after smoking a blunt on the drive over.

See blazed, ripped, stoned, high, sober


Fresh off refers to the enhanced state of euphoria that one feels immeditely after smoking marijuana.

Shit, we walked into the dinner fresh off after smoking a blunt on the drive over.

See high, ripped, blazed, stoned, sober


1. refering to asians, the fresh off is a non-hot asian. asians fresh off the boat to america are not hot. because we all know that asians from asia are not hot, only americasians.

2. fresh off refers to immigrants, mainly asians, who are fresh off the boat. They do not know our culture or speak much english. newbies to america.

Yo my roomate loves asians, but he only bones fresh offs. I don't get it. Those bitches are nasty.

See asian, americasian, asia, immigrant


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