
What is Fretard?


Frigging Retard.

"You're such a fretard!!"

See matt


A freak and a retard

Tonianne you are fretard


friggen retard or freaking retard

Dude 1: i broke my leg by jumping off the roof of my house!

Dude 2: why the hell did you do that?!

Dude 1: i was bored.

Dude 2: dude, ur a fretard!

See fretarded, retarded, stupid




A combination of the words "fucking" and "retard", used as a profane escalation of the word "retard". When used in electronic communication (txt msgs, etc.), the F is often capitalized to show emphasis on the profane ("Fucking") portion of the word. i.e. Fretard!

Normal Person: "That skater kid is such a Fretard!"

See fucking, retard, skater, loser, wannabe


freaking/frickin/friggin retard, idiot

That girl is such a fretard.

See idiot, stupidhead, dummy, dumbass, retard


someone who is retared in the subject of french, also a french person who is retarded

1. OMG that Bill boy's a right fretard, he should get a tutor or something

2. OMG Louis-Pierre's a total fretard he should stop being french so much.

See omg, retard, french, france, tard


someone who is just freaking retarded but not quite a fucktard

in the army the rank before fucktard

You see that gut over there, yeah he is a fucktard! You! YOUR NOT EVEN GOOD ENOUGH TO BE A FUCKTARD, YOU ARE A FRETARD!!!


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