
What is Freud?


Nutty Professor who decided we all fancy our mothers and that nearly every dreams symbol is either a penis or other part of genetalia.

However, yet to be thrown out the window of Psychology.

Cigar, train = Penis



Sigmund Freud, the person who introduced psychoanalysis.

He introduced revolutionar idea's of how the human mind works, and shaped the landscape of psychology.

Currently, Freud's idea's are considered outdated or incomplete.

He is freudian

See Anonymous


formerly a scraggly old coke feind who read way too much into Oedipus and thought every oblong object was a penis while obessing over mouths, anuses, and genitals of little children, and somehow legitmized his ideas into what is now known as psychoanalytical psychology.

Sigmund Freud = pervert.

See David


n.-A pervert. Famously said, "What, you have no sexual problems? What, you haven't had sex? Well, that explains it, then."

But Freud, my symptoms are...


See freud, biggot, lawyer


Freud is a famous psychologist considered by many to be the father of modern psychology. He is most remembered for his tendancy to read into what people are saying and respond with something like "You have a desire to return to the whom" or "You are a homosexual."

Also my nickname...don't know why

Freud: "The human mid is like an iceberg; it floats with only 1/7th of it's bulk above water.

See Freud


a good psychiatrist who stole the Buddhas teachings and said they were his own.

freudian slips are funny.


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