Friday Hammer

What is Friday Hammer?


Originally a "cool Gadget" (inappropiratly classified!) manufactured by "Nexxtech" a pseudonyme for Radioshack(Intertan) Canada. This "modern convenience" consists of a hammer which has a bottle opener at the back of the head where the nail puller would be. Apperently the RD department of this company forsaw people being in need of both of these tools at same time. I personally can not count the number of times I have opened a bottle of chilled beverage and suddenly be overwhelmed with the urge to hammer a few nails. (all "getting hammered" and "getting nailed" jokes to one side please *frustrated sigh*)

The flaws of this product are many however the most astounding are thus:

The poor construction of the device leaves the neck too week to hammer even the smallest of nails into the softest of surfaces without denting or breaking the neck severely. More to the point, this same flaw prevents getting any real leverage when opening bottles of any size without bending the neck completely in half.

Also, the bottle opener itself fails to meet any sort of standerd bottle size (if there is such a thing) and therefore will not fit most of the bottles one my attempt to open. This may have disasterous results.

This product has caused many a sales associate all over the country to atapt such phrases as the following:

"That new DSM... yeah, usless as a friday hammer."

"Well look at this new product. Nice flashy blue LEDs. Looks about as necessary as a friday hammer".

"ok everyone, lets show the new RSM were smarter than a shelf full of friday hemmers."

See fudge


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