
What is Frogger?


when the female ties down the male and opens his mouth with a dental tool. She then squats over his mouth and urinates and dooks as she eradicaly jumps up and down.

oh man i just got a frogger from some ugly ass girl behind the alley.

See frogger, froger, hot, gross, dook, urinate


1. A Video Game created in 1981 in which a player-controlled frog must hop across a highway and a river (using logs) while dodging cars, gators, otters, etc.

2. Crossing a busy street without the use of a light as a pedestrian.

2. car.. alright- looks like we have to Frogger it.

See frog, ribbet, cross, street


Street slang for the drug 5-methoxy-n, n-dimethyltryptamine. Used primarily in parts of Arizona and Wisconsin. The name comes from the fact that the drug is secreted from the skin of various toads.

Man, that Frogger was such a trip!


Someone who jaywalks in a busy street.

"Damn that frogger. He just ran out in front of my car- oooh, he made it past the truck."

See jaywalker, game, stupid, dumb


1. A frog who's sole purpose is to hop across a 4 lane highway and a log filled pond while avoiding numerous vehicles and crocodiles, while collecting flies and humping the girl frog. The scenario increases in difficulty when Frogger returns home five times. Oh, and Frogger can't swim.

2. Some dude who is obsessed with someone who can live their entire life on spam, vienna sausage, corn beef, rice, or canned sardines, and is mistakenly referred to as stalking said person.

1. I beat the tenth level in Frogger!

2. "Frogger, move on. You will find a better girl than that arrogant snobby bitch."


A woman that after sex tears the nipples of guys with her teeth and eats them.

I just got attacked in bed by a frogger, it was great tell she ripped mt nipples off.

See sex, insanity, freaky, pain, nipple torture


This name is given to someone who highly resembles a frog's appearance. Most commonly a male- they have a slight hunchback, have arms slightly hung and curled like an ape, have a slight bounce to their step, and have an overall small stature. They commonly wear sports hats to blend in with society, but unfortunately they are not good at sports at all (especially football). For the males, it is common that they do not use bathroom urinals(they pee in toilets only!). What really sets these people apart is their lack of ability to type at least 10 words per minute. It is also common to see a Frogger type a paper with two fingers while reading the screen 1 foot away(poor eyesight).

"From a distance, he looked like a Frogger."

"I just saw Frogger bouncing over to class."

See frogger, frog, frogs, froger, frog legs


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