Froot Looping

What is Froot Looping?


A prank similar to TPing

You take a bunch of maple syrup and pour it on the victims drive way. Then you take a box of Froot Loops and pour them on the syrup. The end result is Froot Loops stuck to the drive-way of the victim. It takes alot of muscle to get off.

Highschooler: "Keep talking you 8th grade little punk"

8th grader: "Or what?"




8th grader: "OMFG, THEY FROOT LOOPED ME!!"

Mom: "What?!"

8th grader: "You know! Froot Looping!"

Dad: "Clean it up asshole"

See froot, loop, syrup, tping, 8th grade, punks, hard, victims


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