
What is Froshmore?


1. A freshman who only has upper classman friends (positive)

2. A sophmore who is still treated like a freshman (negative)

1. Devon is a froshmore.

2. Joe is a froshmore.


A sophmore who takes one or more freshman classes in highschool, despite being in tenth grade.

9th grade student: hey what's with that kid taking a 9th grade class? I thought he/she was in tenth grade.

other student: idk. must be a froshmore.

See froshmore, freshman, sophomore, 9th


A 10th grade person (sophomore) is taking one or more 9th grade (freshman) classes because they didn't get enough credits in that class for that particular semester. it is an obvious combination of the words FRESHman and sophoMORE, and just replacing E with O. See? FROSHMORE.

Person A: aw man I failed the first semester of math and world geography, but I still got enough credits to make it to sophomore year!

Person B: yeah but that means you have to take the main topic of those semesters if you want to pass them. and you know what that means...

Person A: NOOO!!! I'm a froshmore!!!!

Rad dude A: .......... Dude, chill out. it's just a name it doesn't even mean anything except you're taking a few freshman level classes for like half of the year.

See freshman, sophmore, highschool, wtq, pen15


Sophomore in college, but Freshmen in status. This usually happens when one takes a term off or doesn't have enough credits to be considered a sophomore.

"Wow, Tom's back from his trip."

"Too bad he's a froshmore"

See freshmen, sophomore, college, credits, froshmore


A noun referring to an underclassmen, when the upperclassman doesn't care or remember which they are.

"Who's got the water?" "Make a froshmore do it"

See freshman, sophomore, high school, college, class


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