What is Frouple?
(pronounced FRUP-ple) A friend-couple. This can be used in multiple situations, in both a romantic and platonic context. For instance, if a pair of friends evolves into a couple, they are a frouple. If two friends are constantly together (perhaps often mistaken for a couple) they are a frouple. In some cases, a couple might also start out as a frouple, but evolve into just a standard couple if the relationship becomes very serious.
"Steve and Rachel are such a cute frouple. They were always together last year, and now they have started dating!"
A couple who is your friend; usually the friend of another couple, making a pair of frouples.
Anne, why don't you call our frouple, the Smiths, and we can go catch some
brelupper .
usually referring to a grape.
word is derived from a squashing-up of "fruit" and "purple".
"Hey, what's your favourite fruit, dude?"
"A, er, wait, BRAINFREEZE, oh, a, er, frouple."