Frozen Yogurt

What is Frozen Yogurt?


Slang term for a Mexican individual.

Our busboy was a real frozen yogurt.

See Webster


a yogurt that has been frozen, and can be eaten like an ice cream. James does love it, too much.

Frozen Yogurt

1: We will meet at the shop?

2: yeh um..

James: its not bad, its not bad

2: maybe outside the cinemas

1: umm..

James: yep yep im gettin into it!

See gabs, james, ralph


Ejaculation when performed outside at temperatures below freezing. Use caution.

"It's supposed to be -8 tonight, I was thinking of getting some frozen yogurt."

"Jesus dude, be careful. Bring some warm water in a thermos, all right?."

See cold, masturbation, wank, blowjob, fellatio, canada


When someone defecates both sperm and feces at the same time. Thus looking like the twist option from frozen yogurt machines.

"sure she enjoyed the orgy, but now she was leaving frozen yogurts in the toilet"

See frozen, yogurt, sperm, poo, feces


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