Fruit Boots

What is Fruit Boots?



Haha, check out those fruit boots.

See Someone


1. A slang synonym for "inline skates," which are also known by the brand name "Rollerblades." This term was coined by skateboarders frustrated by the mass influx of generally clueless, and unobservant inline skaters that always get in the way at skateparks. It is a perjorative term used for the purpose of insulting inline skaters as being homosexual.

2. High heel boots worn by a transvestite.

1. Those stupid dorks wearing fruit boots never look where they are going and always cause collisions at the skatepark.

2. The drag queen put on some fruit boots to go skating at the skatepark after taking off his/her thigh-high fruit boots.

See gay, skateboard, transvestite, rollerblades


Derogatory term used by skateboarders in reference to inline skaters associating them with homosexuals skating on the boardwalk of popular beach resorts (e.g. Venice Beach in California).

Take your queer fruit boots somewhere else and stay out of our way!

See skateboard, skate, rollerblades, rollerskates, gay, stunts


Street slang for rollerblades

No thanks, I don't need a ride, I've got my Fruit boots with me.

See rollerblades


A term for inline skates keyed by skateboarders who become frustrated when people on inline skates ride the shit out of the obstacle that the skateboarder is standing around waiting for a 30 meter space to hit; seeming to the stander to be out of control. An insult resulting from anger held by skateboarders for those who didn't join them in jumping on the skateboarding bandwagon when Tony Hawk became part of pop-culture in the late '90s, mostly because those who aren't concerned with what others think of them can do things that will never be attempted on a skateboard.

Skateboarder A: That guy in the Fruit Boots sure does make me look like an asshole.

Skateboarder B: Yeah. I can't land simple tricks, much less the kind of stuff he's doing. I sure do wish my balls were as big as his too.

Skateboarder A: Maybe our friends would think we looked cooler if we did something other than stand here and look at the jumps.

See homosexuals, extreme sports, idiots


Tight fitting, high top shoes or boots (such as romeo shoes) worn by "Teddy Boy" hood (hoodlum) types in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The term was originally meant to be derrogatory but was soon assimilated by "long hairs."

As the laid back casualness of hippies was evolving from the earlier beatnik style, another group of young people were dressing in Nehru jackets and fruit boots and both groups were wearing bell bottoms.

See hoods, shoes, boots, teddy boys, hippies


very similar to the in-line skate/roller blade definition except on snow, whereas the snowboarders and surprisingly enough... skiers both make fun of the deuch bags that fly around on the short skis - anyone with short skis can usually be spotted easily by looking for something else really gay such as a hat with bright colored spikes on it or a a huge penis in their but

snowboarder: Does that guy with huge penis in his but have fruit boots on?

skier: Are you talking about the guy wearing the hat with bright colored spikes on it?

snowboarder: Yea.

skier: I think so.

See ski, fruit boots, gay, snow


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