
What is Fruitboot?


A skate.

Not an insult used for a person, but for an object. Derived from fruitboots, a term for skates which is derived from the term frootbooter, an insult made up by skateboarders which they use to feel manly and make sluts think theyre badass.

Correct Usage: I have a fruitboot.

Incorrect Usage: "He's such a fruitboot. Let's go ruin his ledges and throw our boards."

See Doornail


someone whe can do a 1080 on the flatground.

this fagg is dope! he's head is a fruitboot!!!


a tard muffin, not just for bladers.. but for idiots.. a new insult

Your such a fruitboot, get away


a person that rollerblades and copies skateboarding moves and call it there own when really they juss have no talent...aka, homo,loser,fagget,dumbass,dickshit...list goes on

look at that skateboarder kicking the shit out of that fruitboot!

See deb


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