
What is Fruitcake?


1. A derogatory term for a homosexual man.

2. Someone who is completely insane.

3. A cake made with bits of fruit and drenched in scotch.

1. Uncle Jim married Pete? I didn't know he was a fruitcake!

2. Uncle Jim married a blender? I didn't know he was a fruitcake!

3. Me: What's a fruitcake?

Someone Else: It's a cake made with bits of fruit and drenched in scotch.

Me: Drenched in scotch? Sounds like my Uncle Jim.


UK English:

A person who is one sandwich short of a picnic; mad; quite insane; not with it, fucking crazy.

"I would even think about making a move on her mate, she's a fucking fruitcake. She's probably good in the sack though..."


A horribly amusing insult.

Scooter is a fruitcake.

See Rachel


1. na dessert; a rich cake consisting of dried fruit and nuts

2. na homosexual man, or one who seems to be

"My mother received yet another fruitcake from her cheap coworkers as a Christmas present."

"Look at that guy with his flip-flops and unusually primped hair. What a fruitcake!"


a fruitcake is someone that is either homosexual or acts oddly on a daily basis

Nick, you are a fruitcake. You jump around all day like a tard.


An affectionate nickname for former Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani.

There's only one fruitcake on that stage.

See giuliani, faggot, homo, 9/11, usa


Terry Hayes

"Hey fellas look at that fruitcake."

See pastry, baked, goods, cake, fruit


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