
What is Fubar?


F.U.B.A.R. is an acronym for:

1. F*cked up beyond all reason.

2. F*cked up beyond all recognition.

3. F*cked up beyond all repair.

See fuck

All usage derived from the military.

1. This mission is FUBAR.

2. He got hit with a mortar and now he's FUBAR.

3. Holy shit! That tank's FUBAR.


F*cked up beyond all recognition.

This stuff is simply FUBAR.


short form of "Fucked up beyond all recognition", but also a misunderstandment of the german word "furchtbar", which means horrible or frightening.

"This situation ist Fubar!"

"Das ist furchtbar!"

See Nils


Military slang from WWII, fubar is an acronym for "fucked up beyond all recognition".

"the house was completely fubar."

See kaibosh, fritzed, snapped


Fucked up beyond all recognition/ repair.

A possible suffix: Bundy

Bundy: But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet

he took the grenade hard and now hes Fubar Bundy


acronym: Fucked up beyond all recognition.

situation: crew of 8 is being told about an airplane crash. Some dumbass had the great idea of welding a couple steel plates to the bottom of the plane to protect the general from ground fire. unfortunately the dumbass didnt tell the officer in command untill they were airborn. they crashed and 31 died.


Caparzo: FUBAR


Jackson: Ya'll got that right. (nods head)

Uppham: I couldn't find FUBAR in the German dictionary, can you just tell me what it means?

See blah, wire, yogurt, cigarette, flashlight


fucked up beyond all recognition

used in saving private ryan


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