
What is F.u.c.k.?


a misguided attempt to explain the origins of the word fuck(which is most likely germanic). sometimes said to stand for "Fornication Under Consent of King" or "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", both of which are false.

Man I'm so fucking stupid I thought F.U.C.K. was an acronym that created the word fuck.

See fuck, fucker, fucked, stupidity, ignorance


This acronym never was. It is an attempt to make an acronym out of the word FUCK, which origins date back several centuries and has always had a meaning associated with the sexual act, and this is the reason that it was tabooto include it in printed books; which has only made it more difficult to get to the origin of the word. The word may have been derived from a man named: "John le Fucker", a scoundrel and a cad, possibly even a sexual predator, as early as 1278. From this, others were compared to this man, i.e.: "You're just another fucker.", and also the reason prostitutes refer to their clients as "Johns". Printed usage of the current spelling dates back to a 15th century poem. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, called "Flen flyys," written in a mixture of Bastard Latin and Middle English about some wayward Monks. The relevant line (in B.L.) reads: "Non sunt in celi quia fuccant uuiuys of heli", which translated means: "They the monks are not in heaven because they fuck the wives of Ely.". Monks were supposed to be celibate (not engaging in sexual relations), hence the reason they would not be in heaven as the poem states. Ely, the town referenced in the poem, is a small town near Cambridge, England. The best acronym I've ever heard for F.U.C.K. is shown below:

I was once taught that F.U.C.K. stood for "From Understanding Comes Kindness", which is another way of describing the tender act of lovemaking.

See fuck, poems


Fornication Under Consent of King- F.U.C.K - urban legend states that to have sex with your mate in the middle ages you first had to get consent of the King. This was because if he wanted he could have the woman first. Is they got consent, the couple would receive a document with F.U.C.K. written on it.

The king gave a F.U.C.K. to the couple.

See fuck, sex, intercourse, fornication, f.u.c.k.


Used as an acronum when you sign a yearbook or autograph book of some kind (From Us Colored Kids)

One of the coolest dudes I met in high school. Take it easy and keep in touch. F.U.C.K.

See from, us, colored, kids


Old english word that stands for Fornication.Under.Consent.ofthe.King

she totally wants to fornicate under consent of the king lol F.U.C.K.

See sex, anal, drip, nose, snot


"Fornification Under Consent of King". Used in England during the 15th century to denote having permission to have sex. It was implemented in an attempt to slow down the population growth, as the number of people living in England at the time was quickly approaching the limit that the country could support. Not only was the over-population causing problems with crime, if the population had continued to grow at a steady rate, the country would have been forced to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.

"My lord, I have come to you to get a license for F.U.C.K."

"Denied, I will have no ugly people reproducing in my kingdom!"

See sex, fuck, booty, ejaculation, cum, vagina


Friends you can keep

Matt: Hey Kara Wanna be my F.U.C.K. Buddy?

Kara: WTF NO!!!

Matt:No it means friend u can keep

Kara:oh okay

See fuck, fuck friends, fuck buddies, friends with benefits, playa


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