Fuck Ass

What is Fuck Ass?


Means someone who is arrogant annoying, an asshole just a complete idiot. Used in Donnie Darko.

"you're such a fuck ass!"

"did you just call me a fuck ass?"

"well you can go suck a fuck!"

"oh and how does one suck a fuck?"

"you want me to tell ya?"

"please tell me"

haha sorry got a bit carried away with the donnie darko script. Hah!


Nick-name of the bartender in Boondock Saints, because it is what he says when having Turrets spasms

"Hey Fuck ass, get me a beer"

"Fuck! Ass!"


Used in donnie darko, but used by me WAY before then.

A word to describe the uttermost FRUSTRATION with some one.

An exclamatory word used when one is frusterated.

Hey, your a fuck ass. ;0)



A funny insult used in the movie "Donnie Darko".

"You know you're a fuck ass!"

-Donnie Darko (Jake Guyllenhal; however you spell that fucker's name)


Rarely used, it's only used when you're about to call someone a "fucker" but knowing that it's too inappropriate, and asshole would be something more appropriate, you compromise and mix the two.

You stupid fuck--. You stupid fuck ass!

See fuckass, fuckin ass, fucking ass, assfuck, ass fuck


an annoying person, someone who has blurted out one of your secrets... like in the movie Donnie Darko

"-Do you wanna tell Mom and Dad why you stopped taking you medication?

-You're such a fuckass!"


synonym for damn or fucking

that was pretty fuck ass funny!


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