Fuck It

What is Fuck It?


An expresssion used when... eh... fuck it.

Fuck it, I don't want to define it any more.

See fuck it, fuck, 4th grader, fourth grader


Not gonna do something no more cuz your fed up with it.

I don't feel like going to work today, fuck it


another way of saying nevermind or can't be bothered

"Do you wanna go out"

"No, fuck it"

"You're gay"


"fuck it, it doesn't matter"

See ashman


Giving up, not wanting to be bothered with it, a feeling of hopelessness.

Fuck it, I quit.

The dog ran off, fuck it, I aint chasing it.

The bastard cheated on me again, fuck it.

See fuckit, fuckitz


Don't you wish there was a key on the keyboard that says "Fuck It"

Ahh I messed up on my essay 5 times. *Hit's the 'Fuck It' button*

See Fuck You


the two most versatile words in the world. must be said with an certain extent of apathy and also better said when words are slurred and barely decihperable, i suggest a few beers.....

this sites asks me an example.....nah, fuck it....


dissmiss something


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