Fuck Stutter

What is Fuck Stutter?


When someone loses the ability to think or complete a sentence without saying fuck a bunch of times.

Ahhh, that fuckin fuckin, ahh fuck that fuckin fuck fuck. FUCK!


In the time frame of when you're about to get laid when both naked partners look at eachother and feel an awkward moment. (Often occures with virgins and inexperienced indiviguals)

"Don't just sit there and fuck stutter biatch, get on you're knees!."

See Cindy


The inablity to speak clearly when an individual nears climax.

"Whos yo Daddy Girl! WHo-o-o-os Y-y-yo Dad-d-d-y Ughhh..."


An event during shaggingin which one shagee suffers a mental interruption such as fleetingly noticing a pustulating spot on their co-shagger's forhead where the interruption is great enough to cause them to have to stop for a short period whilst they get back into the mood.

Oh shit, I just remembered that time when I burst in on your granny having a bath. give me a minute, will you?


A break during coitus due to lack of energy or interest.

We had 3 or 4 fuck stutters and finally I busted a nut and called it a night.

See Patchwork


A Stuttering fuck

When some one stutters.(Ozzy Osbourne) f-f-f-f-f-f-FUCK

See Bojangles


The lapse in concentration that occurs at the point of sexual euphoria, just as some pearl of wisdom (not THAT kind of pearl) or other verbal exclamation escapes one's mouth - the conjunction of which causing the one experiencing said euphoria to trip over their words.

Him: "aw yeah baby, aw yeah, who's your daddy? Who's yuh ... yuh ... aw yeah ... "

Her: "Thanks honey; that fuck stutter completely killed any inclination I might've had to orgasm."


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