Fuck Sucker

What is Fuck Sucker?


This term could have a few different meanings:

1. Refers to the act of sucking fuck juices.

2. Refers to the act of collecting fuck juices, adding a hardening agent, a little sugar and making a sucker and/or lollie pop.

3. Refers to a vampiric man/creature that sucks fuck.

4. A deraugatory term that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

1. After have sex, the man goes down and slurps up the juices. Woman: "Yeah, you're bad little fuck sucker aren't you? Suck that fuck juice!"

2. "Want to go to the store and grab some fucksuckers?"

3. "I'm going suck your fuck! Muhuhahahaha!"

4. "Hey, what's up Fuck Sucker?"

See fucksucker, fuck sucker, fuck, sucker, fuck suck


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