Fuck Toast

What is Fuck Toast?


1. You have a real nice lookin piece of toast... and u just want to sex it up all nite long.

2. Instead of just using plain "fuck" you use fuck toast... to put more emphasis on the "fuck", also when something doesnt go your way you say FUCK TOAST and people know that you mean business.

3. A command meaning instead of Fuck off.. you say fuck toast.. because you really want them to have sex with a piece of toast.

1. Melinda... what do u want do to right now?


Ummm may i ask why?

because its sexy!

2. Jude you cant have the keys to my car.


3. Juaqin im leaving you for Andrew.


maybe u should juaqin... maybe u should

See fuck, toast, corn flakes, bob saget


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