Fuck Up

What is Fuck Up?


Pretty much an accurate description of the Presidency of George W. Bush.

The economy, No Child Left Behind, the Iraq war, the budget, and the tax cuts are all example of Bush's numerous fuck ups.

See Jesse


A failure, someone who really messes up.

Omg you're such a fuck up.


1. To make a mistake; bungle something.

2. To act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.

3. To cause to be intoxicated.

Fucked up fucker.


A failure at everything, total loser, unable to do anything right

Barry you fuck up!


A complete elmore or screw up.

You, sir, are a complete and utter fuck up. Good day!

See elmore, screw up, fiasco, mess, failure


To severely beat someone, usually in a fight.

He's gonna fuck up John when he finds out his bitch slept with him.

See Jo


1) Mess up, screw up, failure, mistake

2) Also can be used to say shut up in a more excessive way

1) You're a total fuck up

2) Shut the fuck up!


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