Fuck You All!

What is Fuck You All!?


Expletive made by an angry person that is followed inevitably by a cape flourish or a hissy fit, and usually never founded on anything concrete. Often occurs after said person realizes that he or she has been the target of a joke that everyone else in the room is in on.

Usually accompanied by a dramatic exit not without dark muttering and an inevitable door slam. Can sometimes result in that person not speaking to the addressed people for a few days, but inevitably this does not last long as the said person usually tries to make his way back into the party by downplaying the severity of the hissy fit.

-"Hey guys what are you doing?"

-"Your mom."

-"Fuck you all!"

*dramatic exit followed by door slam and crying*

See fuck, fuck you, cape flourish, hissy fit, exit stage left


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