
What is Fucka?


FUCKA is the true Urban word for common mis-used word 'Fucker'

You will notice that most words ending with 'ER' have been changed to 'A' in the Urban Dictionary. This is one of many Quick-Notes in the Urban language due to the high speed needed in conversations... In order to get your point across... and pull out your gak and cap someone before the 5.0 arrives.

"U stupid ass mothafucka, Im gonna punk ur ass up fo tappin my girl u stupid fucka"

Tyrone quickly pulls the trigger


Spelling variant of fukka.

Who gets off on potato bug porn? You is fucka wack!


Noun. A milder form of fucker.

When you steal 5 bucks from your mom's purse to buy weed, you're a fucka. When you steal 40 bucks from your mom's purse to buy weed, you're a fucker.


fucking jerk/ person who pisses you off!!

you're a fucka!


The norhern california and Southern california agreement to set their differences aside and create a word that takes the northern cali "hela" and southern cali "fucking" and puts them together. Hela and fucking are similiar in saying. This word was created so people coming from L.A. going to college in northern cali wouldn't kill all the nor call kids saying the annoying hella word ALL THE TIME.

Hela- Dude, did you go to that concert, that was hela tight.

fucking- Dude did you go that concert, that was fucking tight.

Fucka- Dude did you go to that concert, that was fucka tight!

See hela, fucking, chill, awesome, tight, nice, sweet


someone who is a huge fucker.

God Damn Your Such A Fucka Mavis.


you are a fucka

Oh Shit! I can't believe you Fuckaz ate my ass with a spoon. You were suposed tah use a fork!! Damn Fuckaz!

See Kitty


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