
What is Fuckaduck?


An expression of surprise.

Well fuckaduck! I never knew such a position was possible!


Can be used discreetly against offending persons disguised as a cough in order to insult. Can be used as an exclaimation of surprise.

Random Person: You know what, you're a bitch! *walks away*

You: *cough* fuckaduck! *cough*

Random Person: What was that?

You: Nothin'...

See shitfuck, bitch, hoe, bitch ass


A person that either fucks or anyother types of sex with a duck.

Or someone that makes there dog lick theyre genatils or vagina or boobs by putting a pretzel (or something) on or in it.

1. That fuckaduck just gave the duck a blowjob!

2. Jen, "I hear Zach is a fuckaduck. He puts skittles up his butt and makes his dog eat them, its disgusting!"

Sam, "That's hot"

See fuckaduck, fuck-a-duck, fuck a duck, fuck, gay


To have sexual intercourse with a duck.

My kinky fetish is to fuckaduck.. wanna join?

See Bob


to have sexual intercourse with a duck

that park warden is gonna go fuckaduck


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