
What is Fuckage?


the state of being fucked

*gets raped brutally* FUCKAGE MAN!


when nothing goes your way; everything you touch turns to shit

Today has been total fuckage!!!

See fucked up, bull-shit, cluster fuck


IS fuckable or Material able to be fucked

Dude, that is some fuckage over there. See her/him.

See fuck'd


the extent to which something is damged.

the amount of paint chipped off of a bike pedal.


when an object is messed up, but not broke.

Because i grind on the right side, the right pedal has more fuckage than the left pedal. GAT DAMMIT


A state of everything being all messed up.

This apartment is in a constant state of fuckage.

See disrepair, disorder, messy


an exclamation used when one is disappointed or upset.

Fuckage! Those ruddy bastards all left!

See Jen


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