
What is Fuckalicious?


Delectably fuckable.

Delightfully screwable.

Wow, he/ she is really fuckalicious!

See fuckable, screwable, sexy, doable, attractive, beautiful, bangable, pretty, hunk, smoking, hot


Ollie Langmead.

Meaning..very fuckable..with a nice ass..and is just plain fucking hot.

See also:

The most fuckable person on earth.

''Dood! Did you just see Ollie? Damn that guy is so fuckalicious!''.


an adjective used to describe one (often a female), who is very attractive sexually; one who many would like to fuck, because she looks delicious.

Whoa, check out that hot chick!

Damn, she's fuckalicious.

See hot, fuckable, fly, hotty


Delectably fuckable.

Delightfully screwable.

Wow, he/ she is really fuckalicious!

See fuckable, screwable, sexy, doable, attractive, beautiful, bangable, pretty, hunk, smoking, hot


worthy of being fucked

Background: Created by a member of Horny People Annonymous

"That man is fuckalicious," said Jane.


a person that is beyond fuckable

"Jenna Jameson is fuckalicious"


Someone or someones with very high sex appeal. Point is, you want to fuck or fantasize about fucking him/her/them.

The Jonas Brothers are fuckalicious, bitch.

See sexy, sex, jonas, hot


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