
What is Fuckberry?


Singular of fuckberries, meaning: exclamation intended to be slightly funnier and less obscene than using harsher words like cunt which women have a stronger aversion to.

"Your girlfriend just walked in. Must be time for you to finish your last beer and get the fuck outta here."


See exclamation, profanity, canberra, australia


A mortal drink invented in panama city by some kids from the CIR prom 09, classical on dead-drunk parties.

it consists of 2/3 of a Seco Herrerano bottle (Rum rum distilled from sugar cane syrup. 40% alcohol by volume), one cup aprox, of cranberry juice and a squirt of grenadine.

The color should be a deep red and it should be mixed by shaking it inside the cranberry bottle so its kinda foamy.

It was originally used as a finishing drink.

-"Hey Cristian, wtf is this thing??"


See drinks, panama, cir, fuck, berry, wtf


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