What is Fucked-up Fuckup Monkey Fuck?


Phrase made necessary by those people or situations that have surpassed conventional methods of assessment.

fucked up Def #1/5 fuck up Def #4 monkey fuckDef #1

1. An inept person who is totally incapable of living without fucking up or messing up everything within their grasp.

One whose actions has culminated in the acheivement of this, the highest plateau of fucking up.

2. When a situation is completely messed up from a-z and there is zero chance of recovery.

1. They put a fucked-up fuckup monkey fuck in charge who had no idea how to manage, so the place went tits-up.

2. The whole job had been ruined by mismanagement. There was absolutely nothing correct, and it was beyond salvage. It was a total fucked-up fuckup monkey fuck.


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