
What is Fuckedupness?


Noun - 1. The degree to which something is fucked up.

2. A general state of "nothing going right" over time, whereas 1 (above) shows a specific level to which something is fucked up.

3. The level to which someone is intoxicated.

4. The degree to which something is unfair or detrimental to someone.

Fuckedupness is a noun, where as fucked up itself is an adjective.

Example for #1 above: The level of fuckedupness at the company was higher than usual.

Example for #2 above: The Bush presidency suffers from fuckedupness.

Example for #3 above: John drank so many beers his level of fuckedupness was off the Breathalyzer.

Example for #4 above: The fuckedupness of one's whole family dying in a car wreck is incalculable

See fucked up, messed up, screwed up, fubar


1: The perpetual state of bein' straight fucked up. Constantly engaging in, or provoking, socially and morally unacceptable situations. 2: The after effects of ones mental state subsequent to years of copious drug use and alcoholism.

Pip: "Say Charles, wouldn't you agree that the elderly homeless chap in the courtyard exudes quite an agglomeration of fuckedupness?"

Charles: "Yes, quite, a rather whopping agglomeration of fuckedupness indeed."

Shateefa: "I'm tellin' you guwrl, you aint gonna balee dis. Tanisha slept wit her mama new man, AND bof her sistas husbands too!"

Laquisha: "Damn guwrl! Dats some fuckedupness!"

See crazy, fucked up, normal, sane, fuckedupedness, unreal, whoa


Noun -

1. The degree to which something is fucked up.

2. The level to which someone is intoxicated.

3. The degree to which something is unfair or detrimental to someone.

1. After many unfair demotions, the fuckedupness at work was astounding.

2. John drank several beers that hour, driving his fuckedupness past the legal limit.

3. The fuckedupness of losing one's entire family in a car wreck is incalculable.

See fucked up, messed up, shitfaced, fubar, snafu


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