
What is Fugga?


An easy-flowing synonym for the word "fucker". Also synonymous to mother fucker. Can still be understood the same way without all that unneccessary stigma associated with saying "Mother Fucker" out loud in public.

That was my last piece of pizza you Fugga!!

Shut up.. or I'll take your last beer too you Mugga Fugga.

See fucker, mother fucker, son of a bitch, bastard, asshole


Somebody who acts fake, and lies or acts disloyal.

I ain't no fugga, you fuggin' fugga!


a fucked up wigga

man that retarded, dirty fugga


How Chinese and Japanese people pronounce the word 'Fucking'

Chinese Guy: I hate those fugga (A)mericuns!

Japanese Guy: Me no like those fugga English guys too!


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