What is Fuggen?
Term normally confined to
1. As a proclaimation of nonchalance.
2. As an alternative to "
3. As a general exclamation of irritation.
4. As a general sentence filler. Ie, the bogan alternative to the
5. To describe the doings of
(at kaytonk's house)
Righto , righto, we bettercruise down to the onlyservo open in town for fanta and shit.
Bruce: Where are my thongs. Ahh
bugger it. Wheres thebeer . Here it is. Kayton, heres the key, we'll take my car fuggen.
(at the servo)
Bruce: Nah mate! You can take ya fuggen poofta nancy jap
rice burner and shove it!
(cruising the streets)
Kayton: Shit! Teach you to cut me off ya old coot. Fuggin!
(conversing with other bogans at Mc Donalds car park)
Bruce: Ahh fuggen, fuggen gonna pull the roo-bar off me
falcoon . Fuggen. Make it real sleek and shit fuggen.
(inside Mc Donalds eating)
Kayton: You were out there for half an hour. What the hell were you doing?
Bruce: Fuggen.