
What is Fuggen?


Term normally confined to bogan vernacular. Depending on context, the term can have various meanings.

1. As a proclaimation of nonchalance.

2. As an alternative to "fucking", the pronounciation of which bogans traditionally experience some difficulty.

3. As a general exclamation of irritation.

4. As a general sentence filler. Ie, the bogan alternative to the valley girl-esq "like", or the stoner-esq "dude".

5. To describe the doings of old matewith his missusin the backseat of the commodore/falcoon/dunga


(at kaytonk's house)

Kaytonk: Righto, righto, we better cruise down to the only servoopen in town for fanta and shit.

Bruce: Where are my thongs. Ahh bugger it. Wheres the beer. Here it is. Kayton, heres the key, we'll take my car fuggen.


(at the servo)

Bruce: Nah mate! You can take ya fuggen poofta nancy jap rice burnerand shove it!


(cruising the streets)

Kayton: Shit! Teach you to cut me off ya old coot. Fuggin!


(conversing with other bogans at Mc Donalds car park)

Bruce: Ahh fuggen, fuggen gonna pull the roo-bar off me falcoon. Fuggen. Make it real sleek and shit fuggen.


(inside Mc Donalds eating)

Kayton: You were out there for half an hour. What the hell were you doing?

Bruce: Fuggen.

See fucking, fuck, fuggin, fuckin, fucken, bogan, maryborough


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