
What is Fuggle?


A fuck snuggle.

I started spooning her and,before you know it turned into a fuggle.


Fuck-cuddle-hug. Simple as that

Lets fuggle by the fireplace ;-)

See fugle, foogle, fuck


verb. 1. To mess with, mix up, goof off, or screw around in a nonharmful and silly way. 2. To put things into ones' mouth in large and unedible quantities.

1. Last week I fuggled two cans of EZ Cheez on Sams head.

2. Did you see Braxton fuggle that box of white castle sliders?

See fuggled, brain, fuck


Akin to cuddlingus, fuggle is snuggling that leads to sex.

I promise you some cuddlingus after we fuggle.


I understand you have a headache. Let's just fuggle.


Girl: Do we have to have sex every night? Let's just snuggle.

Guy: How 'bout we fuggle?

See cuddlingus, snuggle, snuggling, crying


To fuck and snuggle at the same time AKA softcore sex

hey baby wanna fuggle me?

dude samantha is amazing when it comes to fuggling


See sex, fuck, snuggle, softcore, pleasure


Overly happy or excited.

Today has been amazing, I'm so fuggle!

See happy, excited, glad


Slang used to describe the mix of freestyle footbag and juggling.

Either preforming both at the same time or describing a practice session that involves both activities not necessarily at the same time.

I just got the perfect fuggle bags

Do you want to have a fuggle session tomorrow?

Isn't it so much faster to talk about our favorite activities now that we have combined them into one word?

See juggle, footbag, fuggle, freestyle footbag, juggling


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