
What is Fuggles?


Fucking someone while giving them a hug

"David fuggles steph till she screams"

See John


Any person who is so ugly that they can only be described by the expressive use of said word, "Fuggles"

Noun -- "Oh my gwad dude, that was a FUGGLES!"

See fugly, fuggles, ugly, nasty, stink


Fucking awesome. Great. Friendly.

Your so Fuggles, mate!



1. Used to express emotion. Can be used as a negative interjection such as shit, etc.


1. To say something is fugly.


1. Stuff that is fugly.

1. Fuggles! My computer crashed!

2. Mom- "What do you think of this shirt?"

Kid- Fuggles.

3. That man is fuggles and a pedophile too.

See Me


Another way to use the 4-letter F-word without offending anyone; expression of dismay or being upset about something. Cannot be conjugated so can almost only be used as an interjection.

"Fuggles! I lost my keys again!"

"I missed Adult Swim tonight. Fuggles."


Awesome, great - but too smart.

"Man, that guy's a Fuggles..."


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