Full Metal Jacket

What is Full Metal Jacket?


abbr. FMJ

1. A kind of firearm ammunition. The bullet is fully enclosed in a metal or alloy different from the one of the actual bullet.

2. A movie by Stanley Kubrick about recruit training of a platoon of US Marines and their Vietnam deployment. Considered "cult" by some people.

1. You're gonna need FMJ for this mission.

2. FMJ has been quoted far to often.


1) Movie made by director Stanley Kubrick. Intense 'Nam movie that almost seems like two movies, as it is split between Marine Corps. boot camp and the war itself.

2) A type of Ammo. FMJ is usually fully enclosed in metal. Kinda hurts.

1)Animal Mother- If I'm gonna die for a word, that word's gonna be pun tang

2)Pvt. Joker- Is that *gulp* live ammo?

Pvt. Pyle - Seven. Sixty. Two. Full. Metal. Jacket

See Xerxes


a very awesome movie, this movie and apocalypse now are the two best nam movies of all time

"where you from private?"

"sir, texas sir"

"Texas?, Only steers and queers come from texas, and you dont look like no steer:

"how tall are you private?"

"sir 6'1'' sir"

"I didn't know thy stacked shit that high"


The greatest movie of all time, they say its an anti-war movie yet it makes you wanna go kill some gooks!

What makes the grass grow?

Blood blood blood!

See pseudonym


The single best piece of entertainment ever fucking created, Full Metal Jacket is the Jesus of badassness. It includes such badass stuff as the U.S. Marines, ten minutes of the best chewing out known to the civilized world, machine guns, Ak-47s, M-16, hookers, R. Lee Ermey,and lots of stuff blowing up, all in one movie.

Full Metal Jacket takes shits tougher than all other war movies combined.

See war, usmc, marines, army, vietnam, nam, iraq, guns, ak-47, badass, cool, awesome, poon tang, pun tang


Excessive piercings, particularly genitalia and anyplace other than ears.

I got her panties off and surprise, that chick was like “Full metal jacket”!

See pierce, hardcore, rocker, skank, goth


Slang for doing something full bore, regardless of negative consequence

That dude quit cigarettes full metal jacket!

See hardcore, straightedge


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