Furry Haters

What is Furry Haters?


People who are ignorant (sometimes deliberately) about furries because they saw an episode of CSI and think it makes them an expert on furries.

People hate on furries because they don't know any better. People repeat all sorts of hateful B.S. about furries without questioning it, and that's sad.

What people say about furries says more about them than it does about furries.

Furry haters are just jealous we're having more fun than they are. I wish they'd get a life already.

See furries, furry, furry fandom


Sane people who recognise and mock those afflicted with the mental illness known as being a furry.

Furry haters work hard to keep teh internets safe.

"OMG! Those people think us animal-shagging roleplayers are freaks! They are furry haters!"

See furry, furry fandom, perverts


Normal people that hate and insult furry fandom members, the worst, ugly and sick fandom ever.

The principal reason of hating is the furries BELIEVE to be normal people and try to post their "art" and "ideas" on non-furry communities, molesting others.

the furry haters are pissed because furries spam pictures on their forums.

See furfag, furry, fandom, geek, fursecution, drama, forum, porn, disney, yiff


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